DVELAS supplies its upcycled sail design furniture for two areas of the Volvo Ocean Race Villages (Turn the Tide on Plastic Team Base and Press Conference area) around the 2017-2018 worldwide’s route.
Team Bases are structures within Race Villages specifically dedicated to the presentation of teams and their associated partners. The Turn the Tide on Plastic Team Base is an important asset in Volvo Ocean Race’s Sustainability Programme. The top os the Team Base are used for internal team meetings and private functions for corporate guest and media. In each Host City, Press Conferences will be held with sailors, race officials and international media. These areas will reflect Volvo Ocean Race’s commitment to sustainability.
The pieces choosed for the furniture installation are the NEW low and high resin and upcycled sail tables, Génois bean bags, Tack loungers, Cunningham armchairs and 2nd RIS and 3rd RIS stools.
#cleanseas #turnthetideonplastic #vor #volvo #volvooceanrace #sustainability #upcycle

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